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Earth Hour


Although traditional event "Earth Hour" is held worldwide in March, seeing old photos I remembered the idea that every day we even have to remember the "hour" of the Earth. In other words, think about the small things that could become routine and bring [...]

Meat-eating - cause of world hunger


Allow yourself to copy the article Vrinda Bulgaria, because the information is extremely important, relevant, and I think that we can reach more people, regardless of how it will be distributed. The original text can be found here. Author: Juliet Gellatli Translation: Madhur Lila Devi Dassia Some people think [...]

Old new


Most of my wardrobe is "second hand" and did not hide it. Since the school year obsession with digging into crowded shops was cheaper way to obtain new alive. Incidentally, some of which have very strong to this day. The advantages of this kind of shopping are many and will be [...]

Farewell bag!


This year, 01.10. (Which, incidentally, is World Vegetarian Day) state finally decided to incorporate a long-anticipated green idea. Significantly increase the cost of a single plastic bag with a noble idea to restrict the use and because of the devastating impact okolnata environment. Pros, I think, are visible to all. What can we use? [...]

Think of a fridge


Man in 'rich' world consumes about five times more grain than man in "poor" world, but most of our consumption is not direct - the grain is inefficient and wasteful overturned in animal products through the use of fattening animals. Huge amounts of grains and other edible plants are imported for food even [...]

Colour of Cinnamon - a site about travel, things in life and the passion to cook. © 2011 ~ HemuZ Awakening